Why I Became a Trump-lican after Unwittingly Voting Democrat in 2016! “It’s The Kids Stupid”

By Alan Fountain Trump arrested 6000 traffickers & pedophiles by Early 2018. (A campaign and platform goal that has been ongoing) This was Early in 2018 when I was calculating the preliminary economic impact savings to victims of pedophilia for lost wages and medical bills for therapy. (The economic impact to the social Service System […]

Why I Became a Trump-lican after Unwittingly Voting Democrat in 2016! “It’s The Kids Stupid”

One thought on “Why I Became a Trump-lican after Unwittingly Voting Democrat in 2016! “It’s The Kids Stupid”

  1. I was a dem until I seen Trump come down that elevator in 2015. I researched everyday into Bushes, Clinton’s, Obama’s and than I found my answer. Dems and rinos want socialism/communism! The End. Trump 2020 and beyond. I had wondered why would Trump, whom I have always followed want to b President. Aha. To save America/World from NWO.


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